Review on eating out in Sofia
There are too many restaurants in Sofia. But which are the best for young people, who don`t have much money? You can always go to MacDonalds or KFC, but it is not the same as a reastaurant. I can really assure you that Don Domat is really nice one. But it depends on what kind of restaurant do you prefer - it is too individual. So, I can give you two more suggestions - Cafe del Mar and Taj Mahal.
Type of cooking
If you can`t stand eating pizza and drinking beer in Don Domat, you can always go to Cafe del Mar, where the dim light and home coziness create an unique atmosphere. It has its own style, simple and made with attention to the smallest detail, this place offers not only good interior but also a wide variety of brand drinks and traditional bulgarian menu. A big variety of sea delicacies and fish, as well as a rich collection of selected beverage can satisfy even the most sophisticated of tastes in Taj Mahal.
Standard of service and cost
Don Domat is a restaurant for students - there are low prices, but unfortunately and bad service. The perfect service as well as the cozy atmosphere in Cafe Del Mar will help you to leave your problems at home. Every day of the week they present various performers with diverse programs, supported by the most perfect sound system. And can you believe it - on Sunday, Monday and Thursday everything is free for students. Fortunately some of you can make even a programme, because there are two days in the week - Wednesday and Friday, when students can be benefited of the reduction in Taj Mahal too. You just have to know when and where to go.